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45 Wall Street,
New York, Mch 27/14 

[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]

Dear Dodo,

Your postal was rec'd the other day from which I was glad to see you are feeling chipper & making such good gains. This is fine.

The Boston & Colorado Smelting Co. declared another liquidating dividend of 6% equal to $3.- per share & amounting to (on 14 shares) $42.-. These $42.- I have deposited to-day for you in the B'klyn Trust Co. so please enter it in your check book.

I have also finally arranged to close out your fractions, excepting two or three, which I am holding for better prices. Where the fraction was over half a share, I bought the balance & the smaller fractions were all sold. This will probably leave a small balance in your favor of which I will advise you when the transaction is closed.

The last few days we have had fine spring weather. To-day Ethel goes to Ft. Salonga to get her garden & things started which is a sure sign that spring is here, altho' the ground is still too hard to plant anything.

Last Saturday my old Troop celebrated its 25th anniversary of being taken into the National Guard by having a dinner at the Waldorf. Every Captain who had ever commanded was present & many old comrades whom I had not seen for years were there.

Goodbye for the present. Your bro., 

We heard from Mary that they had arrived safely.