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Dear Dodo,

Encl'd is a letter of Mch 27/14 showing the purchases and sales of fractions of your Standard Oil Subsidiaries & making a balance in your favor of $44.40. To-cay I rec'd their check for this amount & deposited it for you in the B'klyn Trust Co., so please enter the deposit in your check book. I am sending you the letter from Ackerman & Coles so that you can see just what transpired & after you have read it over, I would suggest your returning it to me so that I can put it in your safe deposit box which will probably be the best place for it. 

I have not sold your fraction of the Standard Oil Co. of Calif. because there will shortly be another portion which you subscribed for; neither have I sold your fraction of Standard Oil Co. of Nebr. as I hear that should go considerably higher, so as most of these are out of the way, we might as well wait a little with this one. I hope you approve of everything.

Vickers, Ltd. are getting out some more ordinary shares about which I have already cabled & expect to arrange the sale of the rights.

Hoping you are continuing to gain & feeling well,

Your bro.,

[[stamped]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamped]]

Mrs. Peter Vorhees