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his birthday, 12 yrs. old. Ethel & I went to the Morrison House in the morning & breakfasted with them. Tell Kate he was very happy over her letter & present. To-day Ethel took him to the  country.

In the evening Mrs. Dana called up to tell about the visit & how much she had enjoyed being with you.  I am glad the fruit is so good for you.

You might talk over with Kate the matter of insuring the furniture & pictures in Montague Terrace. This has always been carried at $40,000, - not including whatever insurance you yourself carried, but the amount of which I do not know. Perhaps $40,000,- is too much, now that the house has been  somewhat cleared out. Kate certainly  did a big job when she cleared it up. 

We just heard that Mrs. Brianyes died quite peacefully the other day.  The funeral is tomorrow. It is a good thing  she passed away without continuing to suffer as there was no hope for her.  

You have 17 shares Lackawanna R.R of N.J. & it has just occurred to me that perhaps you would like to buy 3 more.  The same as I have just done, to make a round 20 shares.  They pay 4%, cash about 96 & are guaranteed by the D.L.& W  R.R. This would amount to say $280.-/290.- & are perfectly safe. 

Nanette wrote you a letter the other day which I trust has reached you.  She started going to school yesterday, but Theo. will have to wait another week.  Remember me to Kate who I hope is feeling better & hoping you are just as jolly & happy as when I saw you.

Your bro.,

Transcription Notes:
Don't us "+" unless you're transcribing math. Instead, use "&"