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[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[stamp]]
Dear Dodo,

Your letter to invest from $4/5000.- for you reached me yesterday & I will look into this, making it $4000.- & when the Vickers comes in you can let me know about that. 

I think I wrote you the other day that the Franklin Trust Co. were going to pay a final dividend on the Trust certificates (30/15000). This was $1.78 or a total of $53.40 for which I enclose a duplicate deposit slip which please enter in your check book. To get this check I had to leave your certificate with the Trust Co. 

The Am Telep. & Teleg. Co. say that the warrant for 20 shares was paid for & represented by your stock certificate No. M 34590 for 20 shares dated Aug. 1/12 and asked me to mail them the warrant which I have done.  The certif. # M34590 is in your box.  

Encl'd is letter & envelope to the N.Y.L. Ins Trust Co. to reduce your quarterly payments to $300.-as you had before. The idea is that the balance accumulates there, you can get it whenever you need it, they pay you 3% interest which is more than the other Trust Cos. do & you are saving up money without feeling it so that every few years you will have several thousand dollars there you can use for something special if you like. I think I mentioned the advantage of this to you before & of course you will sign it or not as you like. I am doing it that way & find it a very nice way to accumulate a 
little money.