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by Saturday. They are all working very hard. Mrs. Notteman gave $1000.- as did also I believe Mrs. Geo. Pratt. Mr. Thomas Crawford gave $500.-  also Mary; Gretchen gave something & there are others whom I do not recall who have given several hundred I believe. The amount given need not be paid over now, but any time between January & October 1915. Some of those who have given large amounts have given it with the understanding that it is to be paid only provided unforeseen conditions which might arise owing to the war, do not make it impossible. 

If you intend to give anything, it would be particularly welcome to the committee to know it this week, even tho' not paid till next year. 

Tell Mary we were so sorry to have been out when she telephoned. I will write her soon.

Kate stopped at Albany to see Mrs. Grace Williams & evidently had a pleasant visit with her. Sat. I think she takes Nanette & some friend to the theatre which is causing great excitement.

I had a fine hunt on "Gussie," the first one he has been on of consequence for a year & a half. He went very well considering. More rain is needed tho' & I hope it will come soon.

With love to you both, your bro Edw.

Tell Mary the portrait is now in the house and we hope to hang it soon.