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Edw. Dreier

[[stamp]] Archives of American Art [[/stamp]]
Mrs. Peter Voorhees


35 Remsen Street

Dear Dodo,

It is sometime since I have written you & I hope you have been well all the time.

Your gift to the Suffrage work was very generous & you probably heard from the others about the meeting. B'klyn raised the necessary sum & the total raised as mentioned there was finally $114,000.- The Dreier family including Gretchen gave over $2,000.- Madam Schwimmer the Hungarian, said she believed in small families rather than large ones, but when she heard the donations announced by the Dreier family, she thought it could hardly be too large!

Mr. and Mrs. Fred'k. Nathan invited us to Sunday tea to hear a suffrage one act play read. Others came in afterwards, Mrs. Catt, this Hungarian & many more. The play was very amusing. The author is an actor, as is also his wife who is Katherine Kidder on the stage.

On the 12th was little Dorothea's birthday when she became 5 yrs. old. She had a very happy time with her table & presents & cake with 5 candles. Your present came right after breakfast & made her happier still if possible. It was awfully nice of you to think of it. The day is just a week after Mother's birthday.

Saturday Kate had her first reception at which happened to be Gretchen, Mary & Ethel. Sunday Gretchen left for Florida. After the reception Ethel & I went to visit the Thomas' at Morristown. They had sent their motor in for us so we piled in our baggs and baggage & went very comfortably. Sunday it rained all day, but we had a ride in the morning anyway.