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[[stamp]] Archives of American Art [[\stamp]]
Mrs. Peter Vorhees



Dear Dodo,

Yours of the 10th with pictures of the festival rec'd. It must have been very nice. Nanette is continuing to improve. Last night Eliz. Robins & the Wells with whom she is staying took supper with us. We had a very pleasant evening. Eliz. R. leaves Saturday on the "St. Louis."

To-day in two weeks, that is, Mch. 1st the payment is due on the St. Paul Warrants. As mentioned to you, I will take up $2,000.- for you and you wrote me that you would take up $3,000.-. Will you please therefore send me your Warrant endorsed under Subscription the early part of next week at the latest & also your check. If you have the money in the bank, it would simplify matters to make one request in full. Your check should therefore be made out to the Chgo., M. & St. Paul R. Co. for:
3 times $1.004.17 = $3.012.51

The $12.51 being interest which you will get back in the first coupon. By paying $5.- on each bond, you make them free of tax in N.Y. State which I will attend to for you when I get the bonds.

Nanettes pidgeons hatched their first young ones & then one now two little ones two weeks old. Theo went down there yesterday & saw them sitting in their nest.
Kate's meeting last week was very successful. Prof. Derby kept within bounds & only mentioned the word casual.
with love, [[?]] Edw.