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[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]



Dear Dodo,

This morning Resnick, Hodges & Co returned to me your check for $17.55 & their memo. of sale of 9 Rights of Merrimac Chem. Co. which they sold for you, both of which I enclose herewith. As this was a sale for your acc't you rec'd their check either Jan. 30th or Feb 1. Please make a note in your check book that it is for these rights if you have not already done so.

Nanette rec'd a postal from you this morning & was very happy about it. She is getting on very well. This sickness developed a weakness in one of her eyes, so that she may have to wear glasses for a time.

Tuesday we dined at the Watzens who are spending Feb. in the city with Mrs. Fleitsmann. They rec'd a cable from abroad saying not to worry about Katie which they cannot understand as they know of nothing to worry over. Mr. & Mrs. Seidenberg, du Bois, Wendts & Eliz. Achelis & a young Mrs. Gildermeister were also there. He returned from Paris & has been here several mos. now, probably because he cannot go further.

Miss Davidson called me up about some matter & said she had forwarded your statement to you, so I presume you have sent it over.

Your bro.,

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of the names of the people :(