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rights themselves are now so low that you can get almost nothing for them.  The NY central rights have also gone down considerably, but fortunately I sold your before at a good price.

Today it is pretty cold again, about 20° F in the morning.  I suppose it is much worse with you.  if it would only last long enough to do a little skating.  

Nanette rec'd the photo's which you sent & which are very pretty.  It must have been a fine sight which I should have liked to have seen.  Seh is getting on well & is coming down stairs today for the first time & then to be carried up.  Tomorrow she is to walk up two or three steps to watch her heart action & if satsf. this will gradually be increased till she can walk up the entire flight.  

Goodbye for the present.  Don't forget to send 
copy Inc. Tx. rep't
Ill. P.L. stock

With love,
Your bro
