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Transcription: [00:45:15]
{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
Well, it really, just depends and I uh I think that even that a very small garden
can have a big impact on a student body.
It doesn’t have to be a garden that’s right there at the school.
I think you can connect with a garden that’s nearby
In New York, uh, there are, uh, there’s an edible schoolyard kind of garden at the Botanical Gardens in Brooklyn
And they connect with one of the schools that’s nearby
But, you know when I think about the edible schoolyard in Berkeley
And uh, it’s nice to have you know a nice little quarter of an acre so that you can bring a whole class up
You have enough room that you can have some trees and places to move
to have a compost heap
to really have some of the special kinds of experiences in the garden
but to grow food, now this was something that I, this is my naiveté
But I really thought that we might be able to grow all the food that we needed for the student body at King’s School
when we started the Edible Schoolyard.
I mean, we might be able to grow mint for one day,
But I mean it’s just a craziness that I am so disconnected with what it takes to feed you know, 500 people
Even at Chez Panisse which is what we do we ahve two big gardens of 25 acres, plus, we buy from probably 75 other people during the course of the year.
So just think about that in terms of a school system. You could put a lot of farmers to work, really incredible.
{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
So, I think, this amazing night that we are going to be spending a lot of time with you, and uh, more celebration
Going out once we go out, I think to end, it’s food for thought, no?
When we see the amount of people in the United States of America, could argue around the world,
That they’ve came out of the kitchen of Alice Waters
Judy Rogers of Zuni Cafe
Gail Puree for Ring Cinema in San Francisco
Susan Goyne of Luke’s in Los Angeles
Dan Barber of Blue Hill
So many other those are people that came directly from Chez Panisse
There are many others who have not been working at Chez Panisse, but directly indirectly were being highly influenced by
by what she has been doing all these years.
by her constant knocking on the door, telling you “You need to change your ways.”
Uh, you know, I think her restaurant, when she opened in 1971,
Was a Trojan Horse.
Was a Trojan Horse to fool everyone that maybe they didn’t believe that
the way to move forward is with the fruits and vegetables and knowing your farmers and all the things she believes in
And so you see, the restaurant was a Trojan Horse.
Because she is not really trying to change the neighborhood,
she's not even trying to change a city or a state,
she has the project of beign changing the country.
And I think want to end with paraphrasing the Riazza Buran,
1826, most influential book, at least on me, the man who said “tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.”
But the most powerful phrase this man wrote was, “The future of the nations will depend on how they feed themselves.”