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Transcription: [00:15:56]
{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
I mean - you have to be really bold - and think in a way that not every mind is able to think - and see what we are not able to see.

To put almost all your career on the line - to say I am going to open this kind of 'edible farm' in the middle of the Mall - because through my farm and through sharing food in a table, I'm going to be able to send a message I really want to send.

But this is 'Alice the Activist' we know, for the last how many years—

but I think that to understand the activist and the chef you've become, and the influencer you've become—

to a degree we almost have to go - obviously back - to - you look beautiful from very young, to me - you will always be young - but the younger years - of the 'Alice the Beginner', when—

something happen in her that make her say, 'wow, food can be, what can unite people and can be what change who we are'.

So, you study in Berkeley - and you move to France during your times that you were studying.

And was a little market - down in the street where you live - that somehow had the profound influence in how you understood what it meant 'food' - and buying food, and be close to the farmers and the fresh - and fruits—

how that experience as a youngster in Paris, in France, began influencing the Alice that you are today?

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
Well, you know I think I have to really, um, you know in a way go back to my childhood in New Jersey - and I - because it's those experiences you have when you're really little - and I'm sure you had them in Spain—

where you're, uh, you know, living very close to nature - and I grew up in - right then in the mid-40s and my parents had a Victory Garden - and they didn't have very much money—

and so, we kind of, uh, you know, even though my mother wasn't a good cook - in fact, she was a very bad cook—

they did things like - make applesauce from the apples on the tree, and they—

I remember eating strawberries out in the garden - and they cooked rhubarb, and—

I learned the name of all the flowers, and—

I, I, my mother used to take us for drives out to see the Dogwood trees in the fall, and, and, what was happening - I mean, in the spring—

and how the leaves were changing in the fall - and it was a very, um, I don't know - as I kid, I ran wild out in the woods,

I mean you probably did too—

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
I did.

It's good that—

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
He definitely ran wild.

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
It's great I don't make my life as an interviewer or reporter--- because as you see, she answer, uh, whatever she wanted. Uh—

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
—I'll get to Paris—

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
—she went back many years before.

So, what you're saying here that - really your childhood growing up - with the Victory Garden - sharing those meals at home—

I don't know you, but me, very quickly, we will not go to restaurants—

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
—yeah, we never went to restaurants—

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
—because we did not have the money to go - so eating at home was a true necessity—

but it was a necessity that was highly enjoyable - and is one of the things probably I miss the most today. Is it the same experience you are sharing?

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
Well, it was that - I mean we all had to come to the dinner table - but you think about the population in this country where maybe as many as 85% don't have
dinner with their family anymore.

So, just image that - that they're, they're kind of eating on the run - or they're eating out there and digesting 'Fast Food Nation' values - they're out someplace else. And so—

I'm just talking about my childhood - because I'm thinking about kids coming - when they're very young - into this kind of environment that happens in school—

that they can come to - to smell and taste and be engaged in this way - just naturally - if they were to be involved with the production of food and the serving of food to each other—

and as part of an everyday experience, it would bring in a whole different set of values - that I think would be an incredible influence on their lives.

I think it opens you up - when your senses are stimulated in that way - you know those are our pathways, as Montessori says, into your mind.

And we need to touch - and we need to taste - and smell and see and hear - really finely - in order to really be engaged with the world around us. So, that's what it's about—

and I think people who - before this period of time, of industrial food - that all of us around the world - whether we are brought up in Spain or in the United States - which is hard to believe - that in my lifetime—

Transcription Notes:
--> I transcribed the language errors, as spoken - as this is how Mr Andrés speaks as a non-native speaker