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Transcription: [00:34:52]
{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
Yeah, right.

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
What's the next thing in the life of Alice Waters?

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
What are you going to be concentrating over the next 34 years of your life?

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
Where, no, with her it is not about where she wants to go. With her, it is where we are all going with her.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
Where are we going with you?

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
We're going back to school. We're going back to school in a beautiful way.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
Now, I brought this poster because -- I thought [[laughter]] so it's eating, reading, writing, and arithmetic. That's it.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
Now, I think--and I've had this as my focus all along--I think since the first moment that the idea of an edible education sort of came to me in Berkeley, I wanted it to be in every school in the country.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
And I thought about it in the way, you know, P.E. came into the curriculum of the school. I thought E.E -- P.E. and E.E. -- could just be together like that.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
And I thought about how Kennedy had cheerleaded that idea back in the '60s.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
And how beautiful it was that he got every school in this country to build the facilities to have physical education become part of the curriculum that every kid had to take and they got graded on it.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
Now isn't that an amazing thing? He didn't spend money doing it. But he made the case for why it was an imperative.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
Why we needed to build the tracks, hire the teachers, and engage every child in physical exercise. Because he was worried about -- about the country and the physical fitness of everyone.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
And that's what I'm kind of hoping, is that we can make this compelling enough that the President of the United States will say that we need to have Edible Education from kindergarten through high school.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
That we need to nourish every child at school because it's more expensive to take care of them when they become sick. And that this is not only an obligation, but it's a moral obligation. To feed children in school food that's good for them.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
And, at the same time, I sort of think of it as kind of a stimulus plan.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
You know, because if you put a criteria in for the buying of the food and you buy it from the sustainable farmers, you're giving the money to them.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
And the parents don't have to worry about what they're giving their children for lunch, because the school is providing the lunch for the kids.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
And it's a kind of jobs plan too, don't you think? That you have to hire people to help to cook and to teach the kids.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
So, it's -- I just think it's an idea that's right as rain, that's what I think.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
It's something that just is a nonpolitical idea.

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
Yeah, right. We -- I was not lying when I was telling you that we are all already going ahead with this

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
because she's going to be knocking on the door of every one of us to join her on this -- we can call it "crusade", but "mission", in life.

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
Should we ask them -- let them ask some questions?
{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
[[crosstalk]] Yes, I just -- I just had one -- Yes, we should ask them to ask us questions, but one last thing

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
is that I have been knocking on the door of our governor in California.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
And we have plotted and planned that we are going to do a sort of a -- form a task force for Edible Education in California

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
and we're gonna do 10 schools around the state in strategic places and find philanthropists who will help to fund it and farmers who will help to build it, along with teachers,

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
and we're going to build these models that people will be able to walk into.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
And the mayor of Sacramento, Kevin Johnson, you know he's an impatient basketball player, used to be, in the NBA, and he really knows how to move quickly.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
And he says, "We want the first school in Sacramento and we want to do the high school where the kids run the whole high school together."

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
And so, even if it doesn't really happen with the governor's blessing, although I'm pretty certain that he'll give it to us, we're doing it in Sacramento.

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
[[crosstalk]] Well, if he doesn't make it happen, probably he will not be reelected, knowing you.


{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
Questions? We have 5, 10 minutes for 2, 3, 4. Madam?