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Reel 7 Southeast Asia 10/12/80   

sound tech - B. Pearsen logger - G. Throne

Cambodian SI-PP-1980-RR-162

4:32  Tune    wooden oboe used for classical ballet & funeral procession & ceremony - slow part to invoke spirits for fire 2nd part for fire

4:35  tempo picks up 
     - lost end of this tune - 30 secs maybe because of reel [[character]]

4:36   - fiddle

4:41  Amy  that area K -----------  singing a wedding song - 
- next operatis theatre - lifeless dancers - [[?]] are asked to inhabit them & give them life 
Mrs ----------
L ------------  Invocational Dance

4:50 Amy       this is going to be a social dance - they will snatch people from audience

Amy.   "choose partners please 

5:02 tune #__
 "these are the Cambodian dancers this is a social dance - please take part & enjoy it."

5:16     tape ends