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orchestra of previous court dance
Remains on stage

man dressed as woman returns to stage
in new costume carrying chango. Waits off
to side: Heyman still talking.
CHANGO DRUM Dance 29.48
beings dance with CHAngo accompanied by
orchestra. Dancer striking chango with wooden
stick and hand.

Fred Lieberman Disburses orchestra - returns to
microphone to present SINAWI

Piri (male) | Alipeng (male) | [[?]] Flute (male) | late arrival Kyaqum (feemale) hand plucked [[zither?]] | Komungo (male) plucked with stick | Two String fiddle (feemale) | [[?]] gongo (male) | Chango (male) actually here sitting with side to audience facing south (Piri)

From left to right each
instrument plays a solo
accompanied only by percussion
receiving applause from audience
after each solo in jazz tradition. skipping gong & chango.
Return to full orchestra
Return to solos:
Piri - Adjaeng -skipping [[?]] flute Kynqum hand plucked zither