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14.00 ~ The Canon begins
(the rowing song)
Gourds later picked back up
16.50 Ritual SHRINE song sung.
3rd woman enters on stage
Dancing with Divers
18.46 Male dancers join dance
now four people dancing.

KAsadi: comes to stage:
misc. singing folk songs
Arelan Pass song
(3 hand plucked zitler) 3 sisters accompanied by there [thier]
mother (Chango)
Begins 23.03
Prof. Heyman - introduces Hong Hey Folk Ritual Song
Song Ju Supplication
Followed by several other
Folk songs.
orchestra: Adjaeng Taepyongo Mingo Chango

31.29 (1) The port city | 4 women singing accompanied
(2) song of sadness | Adjaeng stops CHango player joines singers on front stage.
(3) Song by a fisherman | Adjaeng player returns with small gong.