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31.48 Los gorgoritos Polka
      (The bubbles Polka)

35.36 Los Amores de Jose Waltz

39.31 LA Vida Polka

42.36 [[strikethrough]] Hua [[/strikethrough]] Pisando Queritio Huapango


Dan Sheehy introduces Lydia Mendoza

BEGIN TAPE 3 SI-FP-1982-RR-141

50.32 La gena: canción Ranchera
[[strikethrough]] 53.35 [[/strikethrough]]
1.55 Cielito Lindo 

4.06 [[strikethrough]] La gloria de Texas Canción Rancheia [[strikethrough]] Preita Linda

10.29 Los Ojos de Pancha Potpourri

Dan Sheehy closes Mendoza performance & introduces HUGH McGRAW and the Sacred Heart Singers. SHAPE [[strikethrough]]D [[/strikethrough]] NOTE SINGING

22.39 Liverpool.

25.17 _________.

26.54 _________.

28.19 _________.

31.96 _________