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Reel #5 1983-RR-385


0000 (7)"Perro Tra buco" "Mil Gracias" Columbia rhythm
0245 (8) "Iyamile Columbia rhythm, [[strikethrough]]  "El Iyabo" GA guaguanco [[/strikethrough]]
0752 (9) "El Iyabo" guaguanco rhythm
1058(10) "El Chinito" Guaguanco rythm
?   (11) "Aguanile" Conga rhythm.
() Joan & James [[strikethrough]] Johnson [[/strikethrough]] Jackson (2 guitar players)
_  vocals.

1500 Intro - Saul.
1548 Intro - James.
1619 (1) "Red River Blues"
1927 (2) "Guitar Rag"
2319 (3) "Aint going to Be Treated This A WAY"
2723 (4) "Westcoast Rag"
3041 (5)  ?
3331 (6) "Backwater Blues"
3652 (7) "Ragtime Tune"
4121 (8)  "Red Lips"
4500 (9)  "Bootleggers Blues"

Reel #6   1983-RR-386
0000 (10) "John Jackson [[strikethrough]] Blue [[/strikethrough]] Tune"
0246 (11) "Rattlesnake' Daddy"
0534 (12) "Mississippi Blues"
1000 (13) "Thats Alright Mama"
1355 (14) "The Midnight Special"
1953 (15) "Dust my Broom"  James on Vocals.
2441 (16) [[/strikethrough]] "Tom Dooley" [[/strikethrough]] "Swinging w/ an Ugly girl"  James on Vocal

Transcription Notes:
Line starting "2319 (3)" - "This A WAY" or "This AWAY"?