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II Aujou and Poiton
Alice Brochet-singer
Jean L. LeQuelle- fiddle
Maxime Rambaud- fiddle (Poiton)
Denis LeVraux- Accordion, bagpipes
Michel-erbeuf- hurdy gurdy, accordion
Emile & Marie Louis Boublin 

1.demonstration of instruments
2. wedding march (no Rambaud)
3. accordion demonstration 1983-RR-203
Reel 2> 
4. bagpipe demonstration- Roll on, Napoleon (no Rambaud)
5. Wedding dressing song (Mme Brochet)- no music
6. Response song (Mme Brochet leading)
(Madonde) Man & wife, wife dies, mole moves earth over grave
7. Wedding March- Maxime Rambaud
8. Schottish (?) (Rambaud with LeQuellec & LeVraux)
9. Pas diété (scot & Irish influence) (same as #8)
Dances<10. Avant deux
<11. Pastorelle >(LeQuellec & Kerbeuf) Les Boublins
from Aujou
12. Schottish-LeQuellec, LeVraux, Kerbeuf

VII La Famille Beaudoin
Valere Dion- Spoons, guitar

Song #1- la grande chaine
Willie speaks
Song #2- strikethrough Reel Brandon Band Rue St. Joseph strikethrough Reel at Tempo strikethrough
Song #3- (Lillian Sings)[[Strikethrough]] Reel [[/strikethrough]] Tu danses bién, 
Danses e me, t"out
[[strikethrough]]  madeleine [[/strikethrough]] madeleine
Song#4- Brenda's Reel 1983-RR-204
Reel 3> 
#5 Eddie's Reel's