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de Chavier

Song & Ballads
(3) - 3 singers Jean le Meut Brittany
Jean Michel de Bourdiec
George Belz [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]] 
"Tri Cachimari"
"Les Trois Chasse-Marée" [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Cachet?
(4) 4 singers  Eric Marchaud - Jean le Meut [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Georges [[strikethrough]] Jean [[/strikethrough]] Belz Jean Paul Rieux
trading ship coming to harbor - dance song
girl jumps on boat to see wheat, is kidnapped
"Devant Bordeaux vient d'arriver"
(5) Ballads about [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] naval fight
"La Petite Galiste"? Galiote
André [[strikethrough]] Ricoat [[/strikethrough]] Ricros - Auvergne
Fight between 3 English & 1 french boat.
(6)  Didier Houde
"Foudrion*"' (name of boat) song known in Quebec 
Nous avons partie - 1st line  now more than in France
* originally the "Foudroyant", captured by the English in the 1790's.