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↑ volume too low??  muddy!!

2. waltz volume 
3. two step 
4. (two step) Eunice two step
5. (waltz) - la one Gavil
(6) [[Lacapine?]] Special
(7) Fais pas tout ça
(8) (waltz) Barres de la prison

F. Percussion in French Music
(1) Simon St. Pierre and Joe Pommerleau (fiddle & guitar)
a. St. Pierre and Pommerleau
b. St. Pierre alone w/ foot steps

Reel 5 > 1983-RR-239
C 2:55
(2) Lawful Playboys - Zydeco
Delton Broussard, accordian   Calvin Cauière, fiddle   JC Gallow  froitoir 
a. 2 step Faquila (?)
b. Waltz  w/Berry Ancelet (triangle)

(3) Ed Johnson - fiddle (Turtle Mt. Dancers)  w/ Joe Pommerlean - guitar
a. Keyston Reel
b. Red River Jig  w/ Sandy Gournean & Martin Trottoù