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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Before You Begin Make Sure You: 
Have enough tape—approximately nine boxes each minute long 
Have enough pencils-pens 
Fully understand the operation of the recording machine you are assigned 
Know the name of the stage you’re working 
Introduce yourself to the sound technition 
Check with the sound tech if you have any difficulty with the machine or taping 

Please remember that we all are involved with participant hospitality 

Show everyone how warm our Washington hospitality is.

STAGE: French Eve     DATE: 6/20/83        LOGGER:__________ 
Reel number: __________ 
Name of performer(s)—group name and names of individuals and instrument played 


Tape count:__________ 
Title of song:__________ 
Please note if anyone is not playing (sitting out) or if anyone else is sitting in. 

ALSO: Please leave the tapes “tails out” — don’t rewind.