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Walter Rhodes guitar Reel #4

876 Oh Baby You Don't Have To Go

1009 If Your Bull Is In a Pasture

1145 [[Dara?]] 1932 Blind Boy Fuller
"Key To Be Happy" (prob. "Key to the Highway"- M L.)
1298 Where is All of My Friends
1428 Kansas City
1565 Give Be Back That Wig
1634 Things That I Used to Do

[[a drawing of a horseshoe]]

Reel #5 1983-RR-074

O Lightning Bug
116 In the Wee Wee Hour by Chuck Berry

Saul Betesh accompanied by Conga               Reel #5 OUD - Instrument
Julian gustern

333 } Middle Eastern (Arabic) songs
468 }

809} Israeli Songs

9060} Greek songs
      Spanish song.

9969 Hava Nagila (Israelian songs)