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CELEBRATION   6/23/83      Diane Greer
#5 1983-RR-142  2:00

Bernie's Orchestra

"Ein Helder gibt's kein Bier", Karl singing, Elfriede dancing
David Cohen announces Oktoberfest.  Bernie describes
Old style music-oom-pah pah
New style "-mild rock to slower waltzes to Latin
"Buby, Buby, noch einmal"-Karl sings
Questions about beer gardens, German Clubs, 1/2 Ger/1/2 Amer.
Bernie & Elfriede.  "Fluge mit mir in du Heimat."  Karl sings also baritone
"Der Huhnertanz"-very few people willing to dance
Doscussion of Dialects-Karl, Elfriede
"[[strikethrough]]Unter[[/strikethrough]] In der Heimater"("In the Homeland") polka by Karl.
"Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit"
"Trink, trink Brüderbin trink!" drinking song.  Karl, Bernie, Bill singing
Discussion of holidays, singing styles
"Nordseewellen"-sing-a-long.  flugel horn [[strikethrough]]solo[[/strikethrough]] feature by Dana Sylvander
"Alte Kamarden" March (Karl) Baritone and (Dana) Euphonium
Discussion of "Gemütlichkeit"