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Celebration 6-23-83  Diane Greer 
3:00 David Cohen, announcer
#4-#5  1983-RR-143
Galician Groups 
1 Bagpipes and dancers  2 singers (5 men)

3:10 2 Manuel Garcia & some members of Galician Chorus
Accordion- 5 men - all sing 

[[Strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] "Slowly"- (coming home drunk)
3:15 [[Strikethrough]] 2 "[[?] de Guadalupe" 

[[Strikethrough]] Announ [[/strikethrough]] Discussion of Queimada Festival Fire. appeal for mankind w/ Manuel Garcia & Students sing to girlfriends. "Clavolitos." Solo by
Discussion of food- octopus
"Behind the Little Bush"
Navarran song. "Bahoda" Solo by

1 Discuss bag pipes w/ Manuel Garcia. 
led by Carlos Corbacho
2 drums, 2 bag pipes "Roaring in Compustella."
Discussion of how bag pipes work. 
Julia Lada, José Noguerol (son) - dance (Mañeda) 5 bag pipes
Discussion of dance- [[Strikethrough]] must [[/strikethrough]]. Celebrates harvest Waltz ([[Chola?]] means letter 'J')
Discussion of dance. Celebrate festivities in the top of mountains. 
Dance- "La Jota" by Julia and José (tape ran out) #5