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Logger - Mary Resing
Reel #1

New Jersey Celebration Stage June 25th 1983
I Corale Poliphonia Galizia    Presenter- Dave Cohen
Manuel Garcia - Accordion & vocals
Singers Alejandro Cobelo, Mr, Plautus, Manuelo, Juan Alvarez
2 min Our Lady of Guadalupe
4 min Introduction of band, discussion of Galizian music.
II Galizian Bag Pipers - Andurinia
Manuel Lago, tamborine
Amador Lopes (1) bass drum; Francisco Lara  (6) snaredrum; Jose Noguerol Sr. (5) bag pipers
8 min (1) La Hota (Jota?)    
Carlos Carbaca
11 min (2) Waltz 
Jose Noguerol, Jr.
Alvaro Castro
Jorge Fernandez
Galizian Dancers & Andurina
Manual Loga - leader. Dorothy - spokesperson
15 min (3) Dance Alborata
22 min (4) A Passa Dolbre - a two-step
24 min (5) Carlos Carbaca - discussion of bagpipes
33 min (6) Instrumental
35 min (7) La Jota Andurina w/ Alborata dancers
40 min (end) (no tamborine)