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log - Resing


Reel #5
NJ Celeb
1 July 1983

0000   Japanese Dance Demo
leader - Fusaye Kazaoka
Drummers - Sandy Ikeda   
Theodora Yoshikami

        (1) Dance
05.00   (2) Coal Miner's Dance (taped music & live Drummers)

1200    (3) Friendship Dance 
2000    (4) Conclusion Dave Cohen

VII Alabama Day Fest.
Presenter - Norma  
          - reason for mig. to NJ.

Reel #6 1983-RR-181
0000   - Discussion of prejudice 
NJ vs. Alabama.

VIII   Drum Demo - Sodaiko.
Sandy Ikada, Theodora Yoshikama
       - Discussion
3560   - Ventu Taiko

Reel #7 1983-RR-182
0000   - Taiko Drumming Demo

END [about 25 minutes]