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LOGGER: Pam Wilkerson
REEL NUMBER: #6 of 7
STAGE: Alaskan Workshop
DATE: 7/7/84
GROUP NAME: Walter Williams - Tlingit Indians from Harry Alaska
REGION/STYLE: Dramatic Story Telling - Native Discipline

[[2 columned table]]
| ---- | ---- |
| Walter Williams "BROWN BEAR TRIBE" | Story Teller - Childrens' Teacher of "Native Discipline" |

Adaption of Folk Stories from Tlingit to English language

1. Eagle - borrowed from Tlingit
2. Jesuits from Gonsaga touch bunch. working on staff
3. Commercial-Fisherman.
[[left margin]] Background Info. { [[/left margin]]
4. Legends - RAVEN.
5. (a) dead family members listening
6. (b) Chant - Tlingitt language - Opening of Story w/ drum
[[left margin]] REEL #6 ← [[/left margin]]
7. Flood - (1) Raven saved himself by flying to top of cloud
8. (2) fell off cloud into pile of kelp
9. (9) found mussels (& pebbles) on kelp → reefs appeared where he flew - pebbles & muscles 
10. (4) [[strikethrough]] got [[/strikethrough]] Tried to get ashore by walking on slippery reefs.
11. **the Raven was thirsty, tasted only salt water.
12. Changed the salt to freshwater which he gave to whole world
[[left margin]] Raven gives the world fresh water { [[/left margin]]

Raven does not want to be alone
(1) have pity on those who are less fortunate
(2) any step you take "I will support you" pays the RAVEN to the first Tlingett 
(3) "don't look back for I'll know you are afraid" says the Raven