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1985-RR-207 cont

Logger's Sheet

Logger: Marianne Smith
Reel Number: #4     Stage: Mela Perfomance
Date: 6/26/86       Presentor: _____________
Group Name: Cryerate Folk Dances & [[?]]
Region/Style: _______________________

Performer(s)      Instrument/Occupation

1. Prayer song to Goddess -
2. Garba named after Garbo - mother goddess 
3. Navratri time ___ Goddess & Krishna
4. next song is for krishna- he plays flute -
5. Ladies are singing that what happens when 
6. they hear the flute- this kind of dance 
7. is done going round and round and with actions
8. by their hands and clapping a lot in 
9. different ways. 
10. Song - about Lord Rama and Hanuman- It shows that the God is great. Hanuman
11. tells God that you do not have to toy- how
12. great you are because you are great. 
13. Ras.- another dance- at Navratri time.  
    done with stick- is always done in the group.