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Logger's Sheet

Logger: Maranne Smith
Reel Number: #3    
Stage: Mela Performance
Date: 6/28/85     
Presentor: Nazir gairazbhoy
Group Name: Punjabi Gidtha Dancers
Region/Style: Punjab 

3 musicians & singers
7 dancers
1 drummer

Contents: Commentary about Boli - short stories
2. If you wish to see my lilt  silver bells on skirt 
3. Eyes so bewitching, will kohl, virgin & nose ring
4. ?
5. I tell you yogi snakecharmer
6. my veil is flying in rich man's house & images rich man's house
7. Complains marrying man only as tall as a pigtail
8. father costs why not Dar & - not rich, older brother not named husb. clerk o ugly
9. [[strikethrough]] Xea [[/strikethrough]]  ?
10. [[strikethrough]] father [[/strikethrough]] keep veil on with veil for father-in law
11. 2 girls - husband peasent - tho put in place - hit him
12. Girl lives w/ mother in-law - give moth-in law oll (flour took elsewhere
13. Complaining about veil - grand pepper & throw as father in laws eyes & blind him no veil
14. Green plants are growing, please let me go with husband
15. Parents gave me jewels husband gave one necklace  
16. my husband never lets me go - wk - I re it parents  husband climbs on compost heap & watches me
17. Describes beautiful walks - let them go without me
18. Snake charmer- wears glass earrings
[[left margin]] 19. Let’s all dance together [[/left margin]]