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LOGGER: Diane Cloyd
REEL NUMBER: [[crossed-out]] 2 [[/crossed-out]] -B-1 and 2A 
STAGE: American Trial Lawyers
DATE: 6/28/86 
PRESENTOR: Rosenthal, Harold
GROUP NAME:  State vs Diamond - Closing Argument 

Diamond, John
[[Strikethrough]]Trudy [[/strikethrough]]
Serra, J. Tony    Judge: Macnamara, Tom
Pros. Holleman, Boyce

1. Jury Addressed by Serra- this was an accident, Diamond wanted 2 marry Truy
2. Couple met each am at diner Required 2 were weapon. Diamond tried 2 teach Trudy how 2 protect herself, routine reinacted n diner
3. Supposingly accident happened 2 shots fired. Diamond didn't run no witness saw him shoot, Trudy unstable, previously tried suicide (twice)
4. Holleman strategy 2 rtn case 2 sanity
6. Holleman said facts were covered up, amazed Serra defending case
7. Woman had 2 bullet holes n chest & 1 n wrist
8. 3 days Pryor Trudi tried 2 take life 
9. Marine Diamond 200 lbs threatened Trudy 120 lbs 2 days before 27th
10. Diamond & Trudy on AM of murder 6AM sit at entirely different end of café.
11. Trudy left cafe 4 cigarettes, Diamond follows her. She was heard 2 say No!
12. Holloman speaks of 1st coming to this country. If trouble makers they were punished.
13. Serra objects-wishes Holleman 2 B censored.
14. Explanation of approaches by lawyers.
15. How they prepare their arguments 1st Holleman then Serra
16. Questions and answers

Transcription Notes:
DO NOT use a "+" as an ampersand (and sign). Use a "&" it is usually located over the 7 key.