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LOGGER'   SI-FP-1986-CT-207

LOGGER: Diane Cloyd
REEL NUMBER: 3- A & B  | STAGE: Amer. Trial Lawyer
DATE: 6/28/86     PRESENTOR: Stein, Ed
REGION/STYLE: Closing Arguments Liabilty

[[strikethrough]] Nelson [[/strikethrough]] Macnamara
Lancaster - Co

1. Propes goal - focus jurys attention on game What Freeman did isn't the issue 
2. Corp-designed marbles going into child mouth
3. -nothing 2 keep marbles [[crossed-out]] into tray [[/crossed-out]] out of tray
-solid marbles not w/holes
4. -no safety test'g w/children under 4
5. -no warning on box
6. Co. previously warned of accident & 2 deaths - nothing done
7. Lancaster wishes 4 cheerleader on his behalf
8. Lancaster states case isn't about sympathy or giving money away -states Freeman took a big risk in leaving 18 mth old child
9. -says it was negligence 
10. -2 million sold. approved by Consumer Prod Safety Comm.
11. Objection by Propes
12. approved by Goodhousekeep
13. Propes states what if medicines didn't have child proof caps, what if poison didn't have skull on side. 
14. Lancaster doesn't always have low key

Transcription Notes:
+ and & are not interchangeable...please use a &