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LOGGER: Diane Cloyd
Stage: Amer. Trial Lawyer
DATE: 6/28/86   
PRESENTOR: Rosenthal, Harold
GROUP NAME: Direct & Cross Exam (Diamond)

Diamond  Hillman
Serra - Defense
King, Rogen - Pros.

1. Serra strategy - natural caused by accident/misadventure expose truth thou client
2.Witness called - waive right 2 remain silent - Diamond
3. Instructed 2 keep voice up by Serra
4. 33- police officer 2 yrs - marines 6yrs- Diamond
5. Resigned 2 days prior
6. Expect 2 marry Trudi
7. Side bar conference called by King
8. [[crossed out]] Kin [[/crossed out]] Serra objects
9. Trudi saved by Diamond on a attempted suicide 
10. Diamond played shock'g game w/Trudi
11. Taught Trudi how 2 use gun & play game on how 2 take gun 
12. from Diamond several times (3 or 4)
13. Weapon routinely carried after hours. Reloaded 3 or 4 days before incident.
14. Unusual 4 Trudi 2 avoid Diamond 
15. Trudi left & Diamond followed 
16. Diamond ask Trudi 2 go 2 CF - Trudi said No - she was nervous