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Logger: Leroy Tsutsumi 
REEL Number: 1-Side A 
STAGE: Am. Trial Lawyer
DATE: 7/2/86 
PRESENTOR: Germaine Greenbook
GROUP NAME: American Trial Lawyers 
REGION/STYLE: Freeman vs. America

David N. Webster, Washington, D.C. 
James W. Jeans, Kansas City, MO. 

1. Introduction-Mrs. Freeman-Dental appt., children playing-marble mouth, Scottie swall[[strikethrough]] ed [[/strikethrough]] owed a marble-brain dysfunction-brain damage. Incident-1980. Manufacture gave no instructions.
2. Objective
3. Plans for Scottie-education-to be able to go to college & work Heresay Rule- statements aren't true.
4. Cross Exam - mother is care less - left child alone
Behavioral problems showed up in later life in school
5. Sole supporter of children- husband contributes some support Billy-7; Scottie-18 mos. - grandparents gave game to Billy
6. Billy's favorite game-marble mouth, Scottie - 18 mos. - oral at that age
7. Scottie picked up dime previously but went through body Boys sleep patterns- stabilized after 2-3 mos. 
8. Problems showed up in/school
Father departed- left home.
9. Father had problems in school himself.
Mrs. Wade removed marble from throat 
10. Job interview
11. Mr. Webster Mr. Jeans throw out questions
Direct exam- no control 
12. Cross exam- dialogue 
Trial law- clean case, no objectionable
13. Mr. Jeans Mr. Webster- speculated
Game is dangerous
Jury - smarter, can pick out mistakes 
Like putting puzzle together
Questions and Answers