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SI-FP-1986-CT-214 to 215

LOGGER: Dosia Paclawskyj
STAGE: American Trial Lawyers
DATE: 7/2/86 
PRESENTOR: Barry Scheck
GROUP NAME: American Trial Lawyers
REGION/STYLE: Closing Arguments

Kenneth M. Robinson - Washington, D.C. - defense counsel  
John D. Tierney Minneapolis, Minn.- prosecutor  
Barry Scheck - presenter  
Jim Karrigan - judge 

1. Introduction - [[strikethrough]]]] Henry Schuette Barry Scheck [[/strikethrough]] Barry Scheck: Summary of "crime" committed by "John Diamond" and of the trial up to the point where it will begin today
2. Kenneth Robinson - Explanation of proposed argument to audience
3. Kenneth Robinson - Closing Argument (addressed to jury) - summary and explanation of events during alleged "crime" with a persuasive argument for a verdict of "not guilty"
4. Barry Scheck - Introducing John Tierney
5. John Tierney - Explanation of proposed arument and methods to audience
6. John Tierney - Closing Argument addressed to jury - summary and explanation of events, personal history of persons involved in "crime", persuasive argument for "guilty" verdict
[[left margin]] reel change [[/left margin]]
7. Barry Scheck - Questions to Kenneth Robinson & John Tierney
8. John Tierney - Comments on arguments & style of Kenneth Robinson and own rebuttal & style
9. Kenneth Robinson - Comments on rebuttal of John Tierney
10. Jim Karrigan - Comments on both arguments
11. Barry Scheck - Comments on both arguments Presentation of questions from audience
12. Responses from Kenneth Robinson and John Tierney to audience questions