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Logge SI-FP-1986-CT-222
Logger: Valerie McGhee
Reel Number: 4B-5A   Stage: Am. Trial Lawyers
Date: 7/3/86  Presentor: Ed Stein
Group Name:
Region/Style: Direct And Cross Exam - Diamond
Performer(s)               Instrument/Occupation
Jim Carrigan               Presiding Judge
Frank Rothschild           Prosecuting Attorney
Eugene Pincham             Defense Attorney
John Diamond               Witness, Accused

1. Intro to and background to Diamond case Stein
2. (Blank due to temp. audio cut off)due to cooperation with Smithsonian film unit)
3. Background on the defense and tactics - Pincham
4. Direct exam of witness - Pincham
5. Discussion of prosecution tactics - Rothschild
6. Cross Exam of witness - Rothschild
7. Yet another blank chalked up to cooperation w/ film unit
9. Reel change
10. More crossexam - Rothschild
11. A couple of questions from defense - Pincham
12. Discussion of cross exam - Stein, Rothschild
13. Discussion of direct exam strategy - Pincham
14. Talking about the original crime - Carrigan
15. Analysis of direct and cross exams - Carrigan
16. Questions from audience