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LOG SI-PP-1986-CT-235

LOGGER: Rita Aldridge/Becky Gilmore
STAGE: Trial Lawyers
DATE: 7/6/86   
PRESENTOR: Barry Scheck
GROUP NAME: Death Penalty Hearing (Gaynor)

Art Mallory- Prosecution Georgia
Penelope Cooper- Defense Calif.
Jim Carrigan- Judge Colorado


1. Scheck: Background. Mental condition of Gaynor.  Penalty phase. Behavior influenced by smoking "crack."  Execute or life with no parole. Factors for jury: circumstances, violence, emotional disturbance, moral justification, age, capacity to appreciate act. Explain:  questioning of jury re death penalty. 
2. Mallory: explain tactics to move jury to death penalty 
a) This is skills demonstration 
b) Show how bad facts are- death p. is justifiable
3. Mallory: address jury
Death penalty as protection; denounce wrong- doing
4. Cooper: [[strikethrough]] address jury [[/strikethrough]] Explain tactics: a) will not discuss beating & facts of case. b) will stress awesome alternative to death penalty; life imprisonment. c) move podium close to defendent; personalize & identify with him. d) will discuss protection of community as well as punishment 

over - Other side -

Transcription Notes:
remove all underlines per SI instructions as well as indents