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Logger's Sheet 

Logger: Greg Wood
Reel Number: 1A     Stage: C.C. Plaza
Date: 6-25-87       Presentor: Mary Scherbatskoy
Group Name: Playground Games
Region/Style: Chinese tradition

Performer(s)    Instrument/Occupation  
Yung-Ching Yeh   New York City 

1. Introduction to creative games with simple materials: m. Scherbatskoy
2. Mr. Yeh: explanation of "Eagle," a game for young children. Eagle tries to catch little chicken and hen. Many children volunteers from audience - 10 in number; Demonstration. Mama hen is not afraid, and is able to fight off eagle. Whenever one "chicken" is caught, that person is out of the game and the game then continues.
5. Game Two: "Rope Game." Two people face one another with rope held around thighs and in left hand. Object of game: to make the other participant move feet first. Important: only one hand may be used; balance of body is essential, like kung-fu.
8. Game three: 2000 yr-old game to train army in winter. A kicking toy made of paper. Children's comments sollicited from audience.
10. Game Four: using paper toy from Game Three, participants have cardboard paddle to hit toy to one another, like badminton without net.
11. Game Five: using paper toy in Games Three and Four, team relay races are held. Toy must be bounced off cardboard paddle continuously during race.
13. Game Six: craft making a crêpe-paper toy for future game playing. Time ran out before game was explained or demonstrated.