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Logger's Sheet

Logger: Greg Wood
Reel Number: 1B   Stage: C.C. Plaza
Date: 6-25-87     Presentor: Carol Compton
Group Name: ______________________-
Region/Style: Lao Music 

Performer(s)           Instrument/Occupation  
Khampiang Simmanakahot  Khene* musician, a mohkhene  
Onechanh Luthongchak    mohlam singer  

* Khene (pronounced like the English "can")
** moh (means "expert")

1. Introduction: 1. Khene, a Lao instrument - pipes, organ-like, bamboo. 
                  2. Lam, or chant, singing in special kinds of poetry-epics, self-created....
3. Buddhist poem read in English: C. Compton
4. Demonstration of bamboo organ by K/ Simmanakhot
5. Lam chanting by O. Luthongchak with mr. Simmanakhot
6. Commentary on Lam as expression of sorrow or in courting a spouse: C. Compton.
7. Poem about courting read in English: C. Compton
8. Lam selection about walking through the forest: O. Luthongchak
9. Commentary on mohlams and the importance of dancing: C. Compton
10. traditional solo on khene
11. selection with the two performers