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Logger's Sheet 


Logger: Mark Miller
Reel Number: 2A,B
Stage: C.C. Plaza
Date: 6/28/87
Presentor: Carol Compton
Group Name: Lao Buddist Ceremony & Lao Classical Music
Region/Style: Laos

Performer(s)             Instrument/Occupation
[[left margin]] classical music performers [[/left margin]] 
Thongtanh Souvannaphanh  - Chinese violin
[[strikethrough]] Th [[/strikethrough]] Thinnat Nachampassak  -  cymbals
Kingsavanh Patammavong   - drums & introductions
So Khamvongsa            - xylophone

1. Sermon cont. from 1B
2. Lay people request forgiveness
3. Monk give people forgiveness
4. Procession of the money tree (monks are eating during this)
5. Rocket judging
[[strikethrough]] 6. [[/strikethrough]] - Tape flipped -
7. [[strikethrough]] Lao [[/strikethrough]] Lao classical music (see above for performers) 
8. Introduction to Lao classical dance & to Washington Lao culture
9. Announcement of winners of rocket festival 