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Yung Jhen - I will encourage new students to speak English primarily
Ms. Yhun - If you want your child to learn Chineese  Teach them Mandrin for it is used more.
Mrs Tuen As Chineese descendant it is good to know 
Mr Tuen  Chineese and for my children as well so we speak Cantoneese & Mandrin at home.

Twan Su
Di Su
Sou Su
Whan Su

In N.Y. do you use the simplified form?
Mr. [[strikethrough]] Jhen [[/strikethrough]] Tuen - I use old form for traditional uses
Mr.  Jhen - I depends also if you come from TiaWan(old form) or Mainland China (New form).
Mrs Yhum... It is difficult coming from the Cantoneese Background to read the simplified form of characters.
Mai.... I studied in Tiawan & learned the old style. no problem.
Mr [[strikethrough]] Jat [[/strikethrough]] - The new form loses some of the meaning.