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LOGGER: Peter Schwarz
REEL NUMBER: #2b of and 3a
STAGE: C.C Market
DATE: 6/28/87
PRESENTOR: Glen Hinson
GROUP NAME: Stereotypes ad languages

Laura Milton Hodges - N.C
Gum Wong Troy - [[strikethrough]] Rockville MD,  [[/strikethrough]] Queens, NY
Fay Chiang - NYC.


1. G. Hinson opens and introduces workshop
2. Ms. Hodges. natural reaction to accent-Stereotype by language
3. Mr. Troy- trouble in  comprehension of English
4. Ms. Chiang - NY childhood -"Ching-chong-chong"
5. Dialects, changing speech to avoid stereotypic reactions
6. In . community and out .community: people trying to become hillbillies etc
7. Ms. Chiang - Positive and Negative stereotypes
8. Characteristics of stereotypes of Chinese Americans
9. Grain of truth in stereotypes : Festivals promote stereotypes ? 
10. Multiplicity of individuals but also common threads: human experience
11. Questions
tape change
12. Elizabethan language
13. Etymology: sentence structures