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LOGGER: Barbara Fletcher
STAGE: CC Market
DATE: 7/4/87
PRESENTOR: Charlie Camp
GROUP NAME: The Family Store

Sylvia Sanchez-Laredo Texas-meat
[[strikethrough]] [?] [[strikethrough]] Carmen Doran-Adams Morgan
The Blakes-Ratma & Violet-3rd & Kennedy NW Coronation Market
Isolena Campbell-adams morgan


1. Introduction by Charlie
   Ratma Blake-Jamaica-location-description community .
2. Violet-Family participation-Relatives work in store- children 
3. Isolena Campbell-adams morgan-Botanica-religious store products
4. Carmen Doran- votive candles, oils, perfumes, variety of clients grocery also
5. Ms. Sanchez - Laredo Texas - meat
6. Ratma Blake - gets products now from wholesalers, imports also from Jamaica, They keep increasing items They carry
7. Violet Blake-community gathering place-they ask advice
They like to help people
8. Ratma-Bulletin Board-
9. Isolena-most people help themselves, many people ask about everything, families and friends come often.
10. Carmen-competition is not bad; many other failures-monopoly-difficulty of [[strikethrough]] new [[strikethrough]] business without family
11. Mr.& Mrs. Blake-Violet-The customers want Mr. Blake in the store. 
12. Mr. Blake-People ask to buy store
13. Questions-Impact of Super market close by- raised business-ethnic groups want smaller stores. 
Mr. Blake-Berry in Bush for everybody 
Why go into business by yourself-tradition of family business