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LOGGER'S SHEET      1988-084

LOGGER: Lori Taylor
DATE: 6/13/1988       PRESENTOR: John Vlach
GROUP NAME: What folklore is... and isn't 

Henry Glassie (folklorist - Philadelphia, PA) Pres Elect AFS
Frank Proschan (folklorist - Washington, DC) Smithsonian
John Vlach (folklorist - Washington, DC) GWU
Joe Wilson (folklorist - Washington, DC) DiT Nat'l Council of Trad Arts
Sign Language Interpretation - Joyce Dworsky 

1. Definition & the preoccupation among folklorists variety of materials and labels.
2. Public law 94.201 - "official" definition (drafted by Archie Green)
3. What folklorists DO not what they say it is.
4. JW - definition by means of communication, by class, by power, reflection of community as a test of "folkness" (leaves ->)
5. FP: purpose of definition?
6. "Where are my tax dollars going?" - looks for long life 
continuing conflict - technology away from hands on.
7. his preference for blue collar over white collar folklore
8. HG -the overview - search for Nat'l Historical identity Festival founded in opposition to free enterprise system.
9. Folklore in argument with power/structure culture against economy.
10. core-personal creativity, oriented toward social solidarity
11. not class, education, etc - personally committed & socially responsible
13. Discussion - 
How does festival support the people out of power?
demonstration in action of confusion & frustration in definition