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Logger's Sheet                1988-085

Logger: Skye Morrison
Reel Number: 6            Stage: AFS
Date: 6/23/1988            Presentor: Timothy Lloyd
Group Name: American Government and American Traditions 

Performer(s)               Instrument/Occupation
[[strikethrough]] Ralph Rinzler: (folklorist, Washington D.C.) NA [[/strikethrough]]
Tony Seeger: (ethnomusicologist, Washington)
Joe Hickerson: (archivist, Washington D.C.)
Barry Barget: (folklorist, Washington D.D.)

1. Introductions Federal Gov't connections to folklore
2. BB: Describes development of Endowments Folklife program
underwriting events & publications "to serve traditions"
3. 50% support: juried by peers
JH: The Folk Archive @ library of Congress: Rbt. Winslow Gordon
4. History of Folk musical the L.O.C. 60 years of National 
5. collection of Raw Materials of Folkmusic & Folksong
6. in America -> Now International - publishing & Open Presentation & Cooperation with regional archive
7. TS: Sings Franklin D Roosevelt campaign song
8. music as cultural ambasidors
JH: Change from 25-30 yrs. ago - new activities - W.PA.
9. farm security Administration - Photo & Recording history 
10. The imagination is sparked by WPA when actually 
11. Library of Congress was doing the work
TL: What could it be doing now?
12. JA: Liasons with Folklife Center & AFS & Archive
13. has to establish itself in the minds of relevant people as the national official archive.
TS: If we want to make easier access for users then we must use computerization = Quote from Marx
BB: Reactive rather than proactive: Dealing with museums, historical societies not 1st folkarts
we don't have enough solo oriented folkarts institution
more applications of recent immigrant cultures

Transcription Notes:
changed "+" to "&" as SI prefers