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LOGGER: Andras Goldinger
REEL NUMBER 9               STAGE: AFS
DATE: 6/25/88               PRESENTOR: Nick Spitzer
GROUP NAME: "Folklore on Stage + Screen: The Good, the Bad + the Ugly
Worth Long - filmmaker - Atlanta, Georgia
Rayna Green, folklorist - Wash, DC.
Nick Spitzer, folklorist - Wash, DC

1. N.S. [[underline]] Belizaire, the Cajun [[/underline]]
audience? - [[underline]] Birth of a Nation [[/underline]] other nations
2.   W.L. importance because of technique, Griffith's version of chivalrous South, 
3. disservice to blacks, stereotypes, docile, in fear of Klan people in power portray others negatively -- evokes race.
4. N.S. Spike Lee's [[underline]] School Daze [[/underline]]audience member's reactions in [[underline]] School Daze +  She's Gotta Have It [[/underline]]
5. W.L. reactions to [[underline]] School Daze [[/underline]]
6. R.G. ordinary lives, what outsider thought interesting - exotic, strange - focus on ordinary + be successful - [[underline]] 7. Frank's Place [[/underline]], a remarkable tone of ordinary
8. audience? - New York, Brooklyn Stereotype
9.  W.L. all Hollywood depictions of ordinary offensive -- Soviet acts -- Hollywood wouldn't focus on trad. - [[underline]] theatrical focus [[/underline]]
10. R.G. Les Blank - show you weird parts as well as trad.
11. audience - Native American plays
12. R.G. - Native Am. filmmaker, isn't supported by major film studios [[underline]] Hops filmmaker [[/underline]]
   child as clown folklorists; from Lynn Martin until tourists demand real hula
13.  audience - film universal connections of culture
   N.S. [[underline]] Zydeco [[/underline]]shown in Kenya vs. [[underline]] Benson [[/underline]] [[underline]] Jeffersons [[/underline]] depictions -- national media depictions in international markets,
   audience -- [[underline]] Milagro Beanfield Wars [[/underline]] -- positive images
W.L. Redford -- right some wrongs
- over