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LOGGER: Catherine Jacobs
REEL NUMBER: 1     STAGE: AFS- Centennial
DATE: July 2, 1988 PRESENTOR: Charlie Camp
GROUP NAME: The Material World: Preserving, Presenting, Pretending
Norma Canto- Folklorist, Laredo, Texas
Teresita Gonzalez- costume maker artist. Laredo, Texas
Pua lani Kanahele. Hula Master. [[crossed-out]] [[??]] [[crossed-out]] Hilo, Hawaii
1. Adaptation of tradition- from pre-industrial to modern: also, adoption of new materials
2. How people see themselves + how they are seen by others
3. (ex: Hawaiian music + dance traditions) Distinction s between hula students who learn to perform/entertain, and Those 
4. who learn for spiritual enrichment
5. Tamburitzan culture: Establishment of youth orchestras in Serbian & Croation communities; traditional performance & 
6. representation to professional combo groups
7. Influence of foreigners & missionaries on Hawaiian traditions + ways of life: as life began changing + traditions were becoming lost
8. Hawaiians began writing about + recording cultural information How these records differs from Anglo documentation
9. Limitations of English for recording information about 
10. The Matochina ceremony (both the literal information and the drama of the dance)
11. Pualani explains Hawaiian concept of creation, + how it is
12. applied to numerous aspects of life, the beginning of something (not necessarily the Genesis of the world)