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LOGGER: AndrĂ¡s Goldinger / Andrew Connors
STAGE: AFS Centennial
DATE: 7/4/88
PRESENTOR: Charles Camp
GROUP NAME: "Personal Politics" - Folk Community Members + Folklorist

[[2 column table]]
| Norma Cantu - Folklorist, Lareds. Tex |
| Teresita Gonzales - Matachina dancer, costume maker, Laedo, Tex |
| Bob McCarl - state folklorist - Boise, Idaho |

1. CC - general intros
2. N. Cantu: Description of history of the Matachine Migration "La Fiesta de la Santa Cruz"; variation in attitude towards the dance from one Laredo dance group to another
3. C. Camp: Is there any money changing hands between dance participants
4. T. Gonzales: No, it is an act of faith to honor the Lord our God; cutting and gathering the reeds; use the same costume for at least four years
5. B. McCarl: Problems with dealing with so many groups: description of Native American Apprenticeship Program in Idaho; have to follow through all the way even to marketing, if this is required
6. N. Cantu: Grants as a way of supporting the the Matachines and reviving dances which may have been lost had Master Classes not been taught by Mr. Ortizi; (his instruction supported by Texas state grant; the younger kids picked up the dances very quickly
7. T. Gonzales: There are other dances being revived such as "La Malinche" but there are no new dances being created
8. N. Cantu: "La Floche", "La Palma", are two of several variations of Matachine dances from around the U.S. Southwest
9. B. McCarl: No folklore archive in Idaho; there has been a state survey done but that was only limited to "artists" and doesn't include community development or group activity
10. N. Cantu: Good ideas revied occasionally without any support from outside; Folklorists are not the only catalysts for revival/change
11. T. Gonzales: Encourages Folklorists to continue working to support groups and cultural activities