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Roster of Civilian Supts. on duty in Tenn. Feb. 1.1866

[[3 columned table]]
| Name | County | P.O. Address |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Beardon Alfred | Lincoln | Fayettevill |
| Ruckett J. N. | Hickman | Centreville |
| Blackburn Joseph H. | De Kalb | Liberty |
| Lowry William | Warren | McMinnville |
| Loughmiller F. A. | Franklin except Decherd | Winchester |
| Ramsey Joseph | Bedford | Shelbyville |
| Nicks A. P. | Dickson | Charlotte |
| Neely  St. Andrew | Carroll | Huntington |
| Kaufman John H. H. | Cheatham | Ashland |
| Holman D. D. | Robertson | Springfield |
| Barr S. B. F. C. | Wilson | Lebanon |
| Stewart Geo M. | Stewart | Dover |
| Brown Jesse A. | Henry | Paris | 
| West Moses C. | Marshall | Lewisburg |
| Henry John R. | Knox | Knoxville |
| Hester  Hinton G. | Weakley | Dresden |
| Roberds Houston | Decatur | Decaturville |
| Gregory James H. | Maury | Columbia |
| Trimble. Tho's C. | Sumner | Gallatin |
| Smith J. B. | Coffee | Tullahoma |
| Simpson Rich'd Rev. | White | Sparta |
| Taylor Jessee | Berry | Loudon |
| Haley R. P. | Benton | Camden |
| Shoemake J. M. | Smith | Carthage |
| Davis C. B. | Lawrence | Lawrenceburg | 
| Jones John W. Rev | Gibson | Trenton |
| Scott Robert C. | Haywood | Brownsville |