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[[4 columned table]]
| Name | Rank | Regiment | Present Address |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Smith, Sidney B. | 1st Lieutenant | 12th | Through Major General Howard |
| Green, Joseph A. S.C. | 1st Lieutenant | 8th | Tarrytown, N.Y. |
| Smith, John F. Tenn | 1st Lieutenant and R.Q.M. | 14th | 442 "K" Street Washington, D.C. |
| Miller, Adam | 1st Lieutenant | 7th | On duty in War Department building. |
| Crawford, James W. | 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant | 8th | Bath, Maine |
| Williams, Henry R. Miss | 2nd Lieut. and Brt. 1st Lieut. | 11th | Brooklyn, N.Y. |
| Neale, Fielding Miss | 2nd Lieutenant | 21st | Trenton, N.J. |
| Graham, John L. Tenn | 2nd Lieutenant | 21st | Trenton, N.J. |
| Mix, Eli H. | 2nd Lieutenant | 16th | Rocht-a-one, Adams Co., Wisconsin |
| Burnett, Levi F. | 2nd Lieutenant | 21st | Brooklyn, N.Y. |
| Loveridge, Clinton. Miss | 2nd Lieutenant | 1st | Brainard House, Elmira, N.Y. |
| Bloomer, S. | 2nd Lieutenant | 13th | Stillwater, Washington Co. Minnesota |
| Budd, E.G. Va | 2nd Lieutenant | 21st | Budds Lake, Morris Co. N.J. |
| Deacon, Andrew G. Va | 2nd Lieutenant | 5th | Fon-du-lac, Wisconsin. |
| Bolton James F. Tenn | 2nd Lieutenant | 13th | Middlebury, Vermont. |