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New York, Oct. 7, 1923.

Dear Stieglitz,

One morning about four o'clock, it occurred to me that i twould be interesting to write down all the experiments in painting that I have made, and to publish them in book form illustrated withbthe specific paintings. Concrete examples might be a more direct way of making people see. At eight o'clock I went into the office and they had just bought a new typewriter offering me the old one for $4.

Mr. McKee who is arranging the paintings for Prof. Mather had told me that there would be plenty of time to get that photograph of the painting in , so I had used all the available time making money enough to keep out of jail. I went to see him the other day and there is still plenty of time to put in one of the O'Keefes if you care to. He is writing prof. who is in Europesuggesting that he use more of themoders

I took the liberty of showing him the O'Keefe, Marin, and Hartley photographs that Herford had given me that morning.He picked the Lake George of O'Keefe's as one he would like to use. Marin was on his list, but the one he spoke of was an early Paris one. they are interestad in "Abstractions" as he felt they had come to stay.

It might be well for you to write prof. Mather Jr., or Oliver McKee Yale University Press, 522 Fifth Ave. and make something more worth while out of their book. They are to have a graphic section also.

I am keeping the photographs here carefully wrapped in rubber cloth waiting to hear from you and Prof. Mather. He chose the same one that Herford used of mine as it went better with the text. He said they could be changed later on if we so wished. Hope this was satisfactory to you.